Spiritual Life Coach

A spiritual life coach is a coach that co-creates with you to make life changes that will be in alignment with your mind, body, and soul. Individuals on a spiritual life path may discover new beliefs and values that improve their connection with their highest self. Together, my clients and I will go on a discovery inquiry into their lives and connect to the divine, opening their minds to a whole new world. 

Spiritual life coaches believe in spiritual principles (i.e., miracles, neuroplasticity of the brain and its ability to send and receive energetic messages from souls worldwide, etc. Many people might confuse spiritual coaches with religious leaders. I will not make any judgment towards your religious preference or lack thereof. I will not give a diagnosis or recommend a path to take. Instead, through active listening skill, explosive inquiry, and goal setting, the client will discover a solution.

I invite you to be opened to deepening a connection with your mind, body, and soul. 

Sometimes in our exploration, clients become awakened to a whole new perspective of life. Again, this is a self-discovery based on the energetic movement inside the individual. Clients may discover their passion and purpose. What to do with this self-discovery is up to the clients, and thus, the change will occur only when the client is ready. 

Working with a spiritual life coach helps you clear out negative energetic blocks to living the life you were always meant to live. Depending on how deep the client goes inward, a spiritual life coach will provide a safe space for them to be vulnerable and explorative with the answers that come up. The coach will hold space with the client, and through inquiry, the client will come to a conclusive point where their goal is set, and they are ready to take action to achieve them.

I look forward to taking this journey with you because your discovery will only help the overall collective. Your gifts, purpose, and actions will benefit the world itself.